Thursday, August 5, 2010

In the kitchen...

Hello followers!
Sorry I have been sooooo slack. BUT it's not because I haven't been cooking, I just haven't been making anything out of the ordinary lately. 

There will be 2 new recipes in the coming days. One is for Potato & Corn Rosti's and the other is all depending on what the outcome of my raw slice is tonight... but keep posted!

Recently I have been trying to make up my own curry sauce. I seem to be failing. Miserably. I'm getting ready to throw in the towel and just stick to store bought sauces & adding more flavours to them. I am getting the taste down pat, but not the texture. Or it's the other way around. I just can't win. But I will not give up!
So this Sunday is my birthday! Yay! The raw slice I currently have setting in my freezer is for Kanyana crew on Saturday as my birthday cake offering. Depending on how this goes down is depending if I will post it here. I tried some of the "batter" and it was strong. I'm hoping once it settles it'll be good.

I got my first vegetarian cook book a few weeks ago. It has vegan and gluten free recipes also. Most of the non-vegan recipes are easy to veganise, and the rest the b/f can learn to cook for himself! Hehehe.

That is about it for now. Sorry there are no yummy things to be shared right now, I just have a lot on (changing jobs, building a house, the list goes on) but I promise I will post something soon.

Peace & Love

1 comment:

  1. both sound nice and even if you dont post the slice make sure you post why you didn't post im curious now :)
